Wednesday, 7 December 2011


1. Do it till it hurts "good".
2. Train with heavy weights and do some plyometrics too!
3. Do cardio whenever possible (at least 3 times a week).
4. Stay focused.
5. Keep changing programs every 4-6 weeks.
6. Smile between sets.
7. Learn new things from positive people!
8. Keep an open mind about other training suggestions.
9. Be sure to do proper breathing techniques when exercising
10. Try to understand the "other guy"

Tuesday, 29 November 2011


This is one of my favourite parts of school. We are doing another 3 month client-trainer relationship. I train someone from my class for 3 months and they train me for 3 months. I find out what they want out of their training (results) and I let them know what I want out of the training and we make up different training programs to see what each type of program will lead us into for results. Some will result in weight loss, some will result in lean muscle mass and some can lead to extra strength. The first 4 weeks for my client I call a "warm-up". He wanted to gain lean muscle and loose his "belly". I wanted to see what he was made of before I started serious training. Unfortunately he hasn't quit smoking yet (this is a huge downfall) but is attempting to do this right now with his wife. Diet is a bit of an issue due to the fact he is in school and his wife hasn't found the right job yet to make her happy after all of the specialised training for a PSW position (which I could not do personally) she acquired at Medix as well. He has 3 kids that need special medication which costs a lot of money and they come first. So, needless to say he can't always look after himself like he knows that he should because of his unselfishness. Which in a strange way I am very proud to say I think he is doing the right thing because I would do this too.
His gains have been quite surprising and will attempt and complete everything I put his way. I am very surprised because I am not a nice trainer when someone tells me that they will stop at nothing to be what they expect from them self. He is one tough cookie. One gain has been that his spirit has been lifted to the point that I don't know who enjoys the training more him or myself. He is quite comfortable talking about problems in his life and that alone makes peoples shoulders lighter and they can focus on the training instead of worrying about what is waiting at home or how bad of a day it was earlier. You can almost have a breath of fresh air when you have a shoulder to lean on. This is a huge pat on my back if I can make someone happy just listening and making them comfortable.
He has lost a total of 8 pounds so far and I haven't even started on the hard part of his program. That starts tomorrow. We both can't wait to get it started. I haven't revealed the "new program" YET but it will be known tomorrow. Way to go Client.


All right ladies and gentlemen. Now that I have your attention you need to listen what I have to say!
Have you ever heard of "aerosol effect" in toilet's? Well, I am about to scare you a bit. A study was done at the University of Arizona by Charles Gerba in 1975 and an article was published describing bacteria and viral aerosols due to toilette flushing. When you flush the toilet and the lid is left up "droplets of toilet water are sprayed all over the place"! One way to see this is is by putting dye in the toilet and flushing it with a piece of paper over the toilet seat. This cloud can travel 6-8 feet around-up and out. Can you imagine brushing your teeth with this on your tooth brush. This bacteria can float in the air for up to 2 hours. Let's not make a habit of using dirty toothbrushes and wash your hands with soap and water for 30 seconds.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011


     Moderate, regular exercise helps the immune system by moderating the effects of stress. Lower stress has a beneficial effect on your health. A continual high level of stress has a number of of harmful effects of overall health. Those of you who experience high stress get more colds, suffer more digestive tract problems and have more frequent bouts of fatigue. Regular exercise helps relieve stress. It also helps indirectly by shifting one's focus away from the external factors producing the stress. Exercise also helps the cardiovascular system, improves the flow of blood, flushes away toxins from muscles and organs.It also removes germs and circulates antibodies. It also strengthens the immune system. When you exercise, the body temperature increases slightly. Increasing your body temperature slightly, helps kill infecting organisms. With regular exercise, colds are less frequent. This was a study done at the University of Colorado.
     When you exercise, it improves your body image. When you improve your body image it often leads to higher levels of confidence and relaxation. This in turn helps to reduce stress and enhance the immune system. Directly or indirectly, exercise helps you support and enhance your immune system that leads to overall better health.

Thursday, 22 September 2011


Are you a women that might be interested in the sport of body building or weight lifting? If so read this. You won't be disappointed!!!!


NO! Women don't, and won't make as much testosterone (one of the main hormones that build muscle size) as a man. It is impossible to gain huge amounts of muscle mass by just lifting some weights. The image that most people see, is the professional women body builder's in magazines. Unfortunately, these women have used anabolic steroids as well as other drugs to become this woman. They also need good genetics and work ethics to become this with many hours spent at the gym lifting heavy weights. These women look like this because they choose to look like this. Other women who train with weights without the use of steroids and other drugs can definitely get the firm and fit cellulite-free looking body that you see in a lot of the fitness and figure shows. I have done both bodybuilding and figure competitions and know how hard it is to do these. I took a lot of supplements because it is hard to keep up with proper nutrition when you work, have a family, go to school and train, but you will never see me doing any steroids. Just look at some of my pictures.

Not exactly! Breasts are made up of mostly fatty tissue. With this being said if you go below 12% body fat, they will actually decrease in size. When you train, your back will increase in size which may make it look like your chest has increased in size. The only way for your chest to increase in size would be to increase the fat or to get implants.


Does this water can turn to oil? Muscle and fat are totally different types of tissue. People start to lose muscle due to inactivity. Like the expression" use it or lose it" and when you eliminate the workout's, people usually drop the good diet as well. Bad eating habits or the same amount of eating with little or no exercise increases fat accumulation.


Muscle and fat are totally different types of tissue. We cannot change one into another.

3 Month Progress Report With My First Client

     After 3 months with my own training style, my client has made some incredible gains. He wanted to increase in size, but without increasing his body fat. We did a great job with the size improvements and very little increase in his body fat. We both had great determination to get these great result and knowing that we only had 3 months to do it, made things a greater challenge. After doing his original measurements, weight, and body fat we were able to put on 6.7 lbs, 5 1/2 " and only slightly increasing his body fat. These are incredible results for anyone. Great work client. You know who you are.
     His chest increased by 1 1/2", waist stayed the same, biceps increased by 1/2 ", quads increased by 1 1/2" and calves increased by 1"

Thursday, 18 August 2011


Please don't believe everything you hear. Being at the gym, or anywhere for that matter, find out the facts.

1. Is Weight Lifting Dangerous?
     Machines seem to be safer than free weights but are they? Weight lifting is used for (p)rehabilitation because it can prevent and fix injuries. If you use bad technique you can injure yourself and if you can't control your ego you end up using bad technique as well and can be injured. You need to use your head to think about what you are doing and this will keep you safe.
     Weight lifting injuries seem to be lower than most sports.
     Free weight lifting doesn't injure people when used correctly compared to machines.

2. Is Weight Lifting Actually Bad for Your Joints?
     Running is more stressful on your joints than weightlifting. Weightlifting involves controlled, non-impact movements. Strength training will increase the health of your joints by strengthening the muscles and ligaments that hold them together.

3. Does Weight Lifting Cause High Blood Pressure?
     Your blood pressure does increase when you are lifting heavy weights, but it returns to normal when you are finished your set. This is how weight lifting works your cardiovascular fitness. People who lift weights often have lower blood pressure than people that don't exercise. Studies show that  regular weight lifting actually lowers your systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

4.Does Weight Lifting Make You Bulky?
     Muscle is denser than fat! You actually look slimmer at the same body weight if you increase your muscle mass! Lots of "skinny" people train up to 6 times a week and still struggle;e to gain weight. Why is that? They don't eat enough. Getting bulky means to gain weight. To gain weight you must eat more. Training hard won't increase your weight without proper calories and nutrition.

5. Weight Lifting Will Make Women Bulky!?
    Women in the magasines had to use steroids in order to get to this point in their life. Being a women you can gain strength, improve your physique and build muscle but you will never build as much muscle as a man because of your testosterone level is lower. You will always look feminine unless you use steroids.

6. Can Weight Lifting Stunt Your Growth?
     The only way you can stunt your growth is if you damage the growth plate by letting the barbell fall on you. If you use the proper technique, you will be safer than with rugby or soccer where collisions are common. Supervising youth weight lifters can actually stimulate growth because it increases bone mineralization.

7. DoesWeight Lifting Decreases Flexability?
     If you have been sedentary for a long time you will soon realize that weightlifting will make you regain your flexability and maintain it.Squating will help give your hip muscles a full stretch. Increasing your muscle mass or strength will not reduce your flexability.

8. Does Weight Lifting Make you Slow?
     Strong muscles contract faster and generate more power. That's why professional athletes like Shaquille O'Neil or Tiger Woods do weight lifting: strength makes you faster.

9. Does Weight Lifting Cause Hemrroids?
     The right way to breathe during a lift is to hold your breath and push it against your closed glottis. This will keep your lower back safe by increasing pressure in your abdomen. If you hold your breath and push it towards your anus you can get hemrroids. Try to breathe correctly to avoid this.

10.Does Muscle Turn to Fat if You Stop Weight Lifting?
     Muscle never turns to fat. They are completely different tissues. If you stop training you have eat less than before because you won't be burning off the same calories. It is easier to regain muscle than to build it from scratch due to muscle memory.

11.Does Weight Lifting Increase Waist Size?
     Power lifters in the heavy classes have big waists due to the fact they area focusing on getting stronger. Power lifters in the lighter categories have smaller waists. Squats and deadlifts work your abs hard. Many people who do these exercises for a couple of weeks report that they have lost inches on their waists.

12. Is Weight Lifting Boring?
     If you have a plan at the gym and you are focused it is not boring. You will achieve results. Weight lifting is an intellectual and technical sport. You shouldn't get board because there is no time. You need to focus on so many things and pay attention during a lift.  The constant challenge of increasing weight is far from boring. The real fun is when you start getting results.